Detailed Table of Contents

Heathen Soul Lore Foundations: Ancient and Modern Germanic Pagan Concepts of the Souls

1. Definition and Overview of Heathen Souls

  One soul per person, or more?

  Defining a soul

A brief summary of each soul

I. The Life-Souls

  • Ferah

  • Ahma

  • Ghost

  • Hama

  • Aldr

  • Saiwalo

II. The Daemon Souls

  • Hugr

  • Mod


  Associated spirits

2. The Awakening of the Souls

3. Born of Trees and Thunder: The Ferah Soul

Connections between trees and life-soul

  • Table 1: Trees and life-soul words

  • Table 2: Words derived from *perku

  Ferah and the Gods

  • Table 3: Gods, Earth and Sky powers

The evolutionary perspective

The nature of the Ferah

  Ferah, law and priesthood

  Ferah and sacrifice

  The Ferah at death

  Development and psychology of the Ferah

  Ferah and magic


  In closing

4. Ond, Ahma, Ghost and Breath: Their Basic Nature

  The breath

  • Table 4: “Breath” words

  Enter the Ghost

  The meanings of spirit

    Table 5: Distribution of Germanic “spirit” meanings

  Ghost and mind

  • Table 6: Spirit and mind meanings

  • Table 7: Illness or health of Ghost

  The impoverishment of the Ghost

  Summary of meanings, and modern Heathen usage

  In closing

5. Ghost Rider: Athom, Ghost and Wode in Action

  Origin and afterlife of Ghost and Ahma

  Athom and Ghost


  The otherworldly nature of the Ghost


  In closing

6. The Shape of Being Human: The Hama Soul

  The gifts of Lodhurr

    1. The gift of La

    2. The gift of Laeti

    3. The gift of Litr

  The gift-giver

  The Lich-Hama

  Anglo-Saxon Hiw

  The Hama in the womb

  The Hama as healer

  The Hama after death

  Examples of Hama words


7. Aldr and Orlay: Weaving a World

  Nourisher and life-span

  A Greek soul-cognate: The Aion

  The footholds of the Aldr / Aion

  Aldr-Wita: Holistic health practice

  Aldr and Orlay

  Werold: Our world as Aldr’s soul-skin

  Godly patrons of Aldr

  The afterlife of Aldr


  In closing

 8. Dances with Daemons: The Mod soul

  Basic meanings

  Mod as daemon

  Mod as daemon of sickness

  The implications of human-Mod co-evolution

  The afterlife of the Mod soul

  Mod’s potency and the Holy Ones

  In closing

9. Hunting the Wild Hugr

  Root-complex #1: ‘Shining’

  Root-complex #2: ‘Mounds and wights’

  • The Kaunaz rune

  Root-complex #3: ‘The unborn, swelling’

  • ‘Swollen with power and wind’

  Root-complex #4 ‘An eldritch cry’

  Root-complex #5: ‘Excitation, stirring up the soul’

  Root-complex #6: ‘The Watcher; magical force’

  Afterlife and the ancestral connection

  Origins and evolution of Hugr

  The tale of the Hugr

10. Who is Hugr?

  Basic meanings

  Three domains of Hugr

  Hugr and the heart

  Hugi ‘wallows’ within the breast

  The roots of Hugr

  Clarifying the Hugr


  A meditation on the Hugr’s power

 11. The Occult Activities of the Hugr

  Part 1: The actions of the Hugr in Nordic folk beliefs

  • Desire, longing, envy, hatred

  • Hugr as fore-runner, Hugbod, and warder

  • The wind of the troll-wife

  • Hugham: The Hugr takes shape

  Part 2: Hugr’s involvement in magical and esoteric practices

  • Rede-giver

  • Ancestor-work

  • Spellcraft and runecraft affecting the Hugr

  • The Double and animal-double

  • Seidhcraft

  • A glimmer of Anglo-Saxon magic

  Swelling of the Hugr

  Summary and closing

12. Sefa: The Soul of Relationship

  Shaping our understanding of Sefa

  • Related words

  • Possible roots

  • Some examples of Sefa in the old texts

  Sjofn, Sif, and their companions

  Vulnerability of Sefa

  Modsefa / Modsebo

  The Wunjo rune


 13. Hel-Dweller

  Hel as the Hidden Land

  Faring to the edge of Hel

  • Hervor’s tale

  Common motifs relating to Hel and the dead

  • Brynhild’s ride to Hel

  • Baldr’s dreams

  • Hermod’s journey

  • Thorstein Cod-biter

  Hel-motifs in tales of Hidden Lands

  • Skirnir’s journey

  • Svipdag’s quest

  • Fairy tales

  • Frau Holle and Walburga

  Some overarching themes

14. The Soul and the Sea

  Where does ‘saiwalo’ come from?

  Weisweiler’s exploration of *saiwalo

  Other folklore about souls and water

  A dash of salt

  Sweet / salt, grasping / giving


  Hail the Holy Ones

15. What Happened to Heathen Saiwalo-soul?

  The sawol in Beowulf

  The Ferah-Saiwalo dynamic

  Ghost versus soul

  What’s the big deal?

  Impacts of changing ideas about the soul


Interlude: A Short Essay on the Eormensoul

16. The Alchemy of Hel

  Part 1: Alchemy, Ginnungagap, and the coalescence of Hel

  • Alchemy in this context

  • Why alchemy?

  • The mighty gap of potential

  • The coalescence of Hel

  • Summary of Part 1

  Part 2: Generation, coagulation, Dwimor & Dwimoring

  • Spontaneous generation

  • Coalescence and coagulation

  • The roots of Dwimor

  • The Dwimor in Midgard

  • Dwimoring

  Part 3: Images; polarity of Saiwalo and Ahma; precipitation

  • Dwimor-images

  • The poles of Saiwalo and Ahma

  • The alchemy of images

  • Precipitation

  Part 4: Hel: An ecological perspective

  • The impact of Christianity on Hel

  • Our responsibility during Midgard life

  Part 5: Stages of alchemical transformation

  • The chthonic forces

  • Differences between Hugrs and Saiwalo-Dwimors

  • The alchemical processes

  • Necromancy and arcane knowledge

  Part 6: The permeability of Hel

  • Where do Hugrs come from?

  • Back-door connections

17. The Arising of the Self

  The emergent Self

  The Midgard Self

  The holographic Self


18. Closing Thoughts and Topical Summaries

  Another look at multiple souls

  Origins, nature and destinations of souls


  Different religions, different perspectives

  The meaningfulness of soul lore study


This book includes an extensive Word-Hoard / glossary and a Book-Hoard / bibliography.  It is richly illustrated and includes original work by Heathen artist Dale Wood.