Meet the Author

Winifred Hodge Rose is an Elder of the Troth, an inclusive, international Heathen organization. She has followed a Heathen path for more than thirty years, serving as a scholar, writer, leader, teacher, priestess, and oracular spaewife in many Heathen venues.

Winifred grew up as the daughter of a United States diplomat stationed in various countries during the 1950s and 1960s, and later lived for years in Greece and Germany.

These experiences enabled her to learn foreign languages through immersion, and to develop the ability to observe and adapt to different cultures and world-views. This has stood her in good stead in her efforts to understand, as well as possible, ancient Heathen world-views and adapt them for modern Heathen use.

Winifred is retired from her career as a research scientist working on methods for watershed and natural resources management on military installations in the US and Germany. She has two grown children and three growing grandsons, and lives with her blacksmith husband in the Illinois countryside.