Detailed Table of Contents

Wandering on Heathen Ways

Part I: Heathen Holy Ones

1. The Kindly Gods Go Wandering: Norse Spells as Clues to Heathen Deities

The Gods Ride over the Bridge

Encountering the Holy Ones

Goddesses and Gods Together


Norns and Others Bind the Fylgja

Traces of Heathen Names or References

2. Of Frigg and Odin

All in a Day’s Work: Frigg and her Ladies

Call to Frigg: A Prayer

Of Being and Knowledge: Frigg, Nerthus, and Odin

The Winds of Odin’s Will: A Song

3. Mimir, Odin, and World-Mind

‘Friend of Odin’ and his Uncle (?)

Mimir’s Relatives

Mimir as a Cosmogonic Sacrifice


The I in Mimir’s Well

4. Vør: Goddess of Awareness


Meeting Vør

Rune-faring: Year / Jera

Mythic Awareness

Asynja’s Flight: A Tale

A Strand for the Weaving: The Tale Continues

5. To Honor Vidar

Silent One’s Service by John T. Mainer


The Testing of Young Vidar: A Tale

6. Thor and his Family

The Farmer’s God

Sif: Kinship and Hospitality

The Thorlings

Magnetic Power

Thor’s Act of Compassion

Love Songs of Sif and Thor

7. Walburga and the Rites of May

Witches and Walpurgisnacht

The Roots of Walpurgisnacht

Saint Walburga

Walburga’s Dog

Walburga Chased by the Wild Hunt

Walburga’s Symbols and Domains of Action

King and Queen of the May

A Sampling of Walpurgistide Customs

What Does This All Mean?

Returning Life

A Between-Time of Magic

A Springtime Goddess

The Name of the Goddess

 8. Eostre / Ostara

Ostara’s Dance: A Song

In Honor of Eostre

9. A Tale of Nanna and her Kin



Young Nanna

Nanna, Warrior Maid





Balder’s Dreams




The Hidden Halls of Peace

A Commentary on Sources

10. Syn: The ‘Just Say No’ Goddess

A Prayer to Syn

11. Heimdall

Heimdall: Warder of the Atmosphere

The Gifting of Heimdall: A Tale

Heimdall’s Call: A Song

12. Earth-Mother, Nerthus

Earth-Blessing: A Prayer

Erce, Eorðan Modor

Nerthus: A Poem

13. Matrons and Disir: The Heathen Tribal Mothers

Matron Worship in Germanic Lands

General Conclusions about Matron Worship

Moving North

The Disir of Scandinavia

Heathen Disir Today

14. Hallow-Streaming: A Meditation on the Mothers

15. Werthende: Song of Becoming

More on Werthende’s / Verðandi’s Domain

16. Perkwus: The Tree of Life and Soul

Gods, Soul, and Trees

  • Table 1: Gods, Earth, Sky Powers

Trees and Souls

  • Table 2: Trees and Life-Soul Words

A New Tale of Ask and Embla

Trees and the Community of Life

In Closing

Part II: Wights: Heathen Otherworldly Beings

 17. Landwights and Human Ecology

Systems Ecology and Eco-Dynamics

Sourcing and Cycling Resources

Impacts on the Landwights

Communication with Landwights


Our Homestead Landwight

Thundering Across the Prairie

Children of the Earth

Ing-Frey’s Blessing

18. Renewable Energy Installations as Jotun-Shrines

A Human-Jotnar Switch

Another Look at Jotnar


  • Example: Wind-Turbines

Your own Virtual Jotun-Shrine

The Thorn, or Thurs, on the Rose


19: The Vision of the Seeress: A Giantess’s Tale

20: An Anglo-Saxon Charm Against a Dwarf

The Charm Against a Dwarf

  • Line 1: Here came striding in…

  • Line 2: He had his hama in hand…

  • Lines 2-3: Said that you were his steed…

  • Lines 3-4: They began to set off from the land…

  • Line 5: Then came striding in The Dwarf’s sister…

  • Lines 6ff: Then she ended it…

The Final Instructions


Old English Text

21: Dwarves and their Powers

Origin of the Dwarves

It All Hinges on Mod

Moðsognir and Durinn

Implications for Personal Practice

Part III: Heathen Spiritual Practices

22: The Living Jewels of Brisingamen

What is Brisingamen?

Forging Brisingamen

Echoes of Brisingamen

Vitality, Life-Energy


Joy, Delight


Working with your Brisingamen

23: Wigi Thonar: The Powers of Thor’s Hammer

Wigi Thonar

Thor Veurr

Hallowing your Inner Vé

24: The Great Gift: A Perspective on Heathen Prayer

Problem, Prayer, and First Response

A Cost-Benefit Analysis

Weighing the Benefits and Costs

The Great Gift

25: Experience and Practice of Compassion

The Nature of Compassion-Energy

Managing Compassion-Energy

Keeping Compassion Flowing

The Mystery of Compassion

Compassion in Heathenry

How the Deities Shape Compassion

  • Thor’s Compassion

  • Freya’s Compassion

  • Tyr’s Compassion

  • Frigg’s Compassion

  • Odin’s Compassion

  • Sigyn’s Compassion

  • Frau Holle’s Compassion

  • Frey’s Compassion

Frith and Generosity

26: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire: Relating to the Deities

The Mode of Earth

The Modes of Flowing and Still Water

The Modes of Air and Wind

The Modes of Fire and Wode

27: Trance and Power Chants

Nied-Runa Song

Nied-Runa Ceremony

The Dancer of Dreams


28: Contemplation: The Resonance of the Heart

Contemplation versus Meditation

The Planes of Being


The Resonance of the Heart

How to Approach Contemplation

Using a Seed-Image for Contemplation

‘Seedless’ Contemplation

In Thanks to Frigg

In Closing

29: Vafrloge: Hidden Fire and its Runic Channels


Attuning to the Hidden Fire

The Eihwaz Rune

The Kenaz Rune

Runic Channels of the Hidden Fire

Final Sections:

Word-Hoard / Glossary

Book-Hoard / Bibliography

Photo Credits


About the Author

A Word about Wordfruma Press