Mani the Measurer’s 2024 Moon Calendar

For In-Depth Heathen Soul Lore Work


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This 311-page calendar and workbook is a tool for advanced work in Heathen soul lore.  It will not ‘teach you’ directly, as reading a book might do.  Rather, this calendar is an ‘educator’ in the true sense of the word.  Educare from Latin means literally ‘to draw out, to lead out, to elicit.’  ‘Education’ is drawing out and leading out knowledge and understanding that is already within us, but it’s hidden; we’re not aware of it.  This knowledge-within is not shaped, organized, or expressed in a useful way; it is not accessible to us or to others with whom we might want to share it.  The role of a true educator is different from that of a teacher: a teacher shows us things we didn’t know before.  An educator leads us into understanding what we already do know in a deeper way.  When you have completed the year of work with this workbook, you will have written your own Book of Wisdom through a process of true education! 

This is not a study program for soul lore beginners.  The calendar will not be useful to you until you’ve studied the soul lore material in my books, Heathen Soul Lore Foundations (Book I) and Heathen Soul Lore: A Personal Approach (Book II), or else studied the same material found on this website, listed under ‘Soul Lore’ and ‘Soul Lore Study Guides’.  You will need this foundation in order to use this calendar / workbook effectively.  Assuming that you have indeed laid the foundations, this calendar offers a procedure that will take you more deeply into your soul lore practice.  It will help you organize and structure your self-directed experiential learning about each of your souls, based on the cycles of the moon.

The introductory chapters of this calendar provide explanations, guidelines, suggestions, and examples for using the calendar, and the closing chapter provides soul lore reference material.  Those who have studied Books I and II of Heathen Soul Lore and want to move on to more advanced, self-directed soul lore learning will find this calendar-workbook an invaluable way to structure their daily work and make the best use of their time and effort.

Click here for a detailed table of contents.

(311 pages)

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This calendar-workbook is letter-sized (8.5 X 11 inches), containing 311 pages that are coil-bound so they lay flat for easy writing. It is available only from Lulu; because it is coil-bound it is not eligible for distribution through other booksellers.